Tsukishima Holdings Group
Human Rights Policy

Based on our corporate purpose—Building a Better Tomorrow with Environmental Technologies—we in the Tsukishima Holdings Group strive to realize a sustainable society together with our stakeholders.

We have formulated this Tsukishima Holdings Group Human Rights Policy based on our recognition that business activities undertaken with due regard for human rights will achieve our purpose. This Policy represents the Tsukishima Holdings Group’s overarching policy on human rights. Our commitment to respecting for human rights is clearly expressed as norms set forth in the Tsukishima Holdings Group Corporate Code of Conduct - Our Five Commitments, the Tsukishima Holdings Group Corporate Action Guidelines, and the Tsukishima Holdings Group Procurement Policy. From executives to employees, each Group member is required to comply with these norms.

The Tsukishima Holdings Group Human Rights Policy clarifies our efforts to respect human rights based on these principles. We will continue to meet our human rights obligations through business activities consistent with this Policy.


Our Commitment to Respect for Human Rights

We respect the fundamental human rights and diversity of all stakeholders involved in our business activities. We do not tolerate any action of discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, language, religion, creed, social origin, family origin, disability status, or any other grounds. We do not tolerate actions that diminish individual dignity, such as forced labor, child labor, or harassment. We strive to act in ways that reflect respect for basic labor rights, including freedom of association and the right of workers to collective bargaining and to secure worker health and safety.


Compliance with and Support for International Norms, Laws, and Regulations

We commits to support and respect international norms concerning human rights.*1*2

  1. ※1 The International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights [the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights])

  2. ※2 The International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (including the ILO’s core labor standards: freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; prohibition of all forms of forced labor; effective abolition of child labor; elimination of discrimination in respect of employment or occupation; and safe and healthy working environments)

We have formulated this Policy and promote human rights initiatives in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
In addition to complying with laws and regulations in each of the countries and regions in which we operate business, we will abide by the higher of the two standards in cases in which the applicable laws and regulations of such countries differ from international human rights norms, and in the case of which such standards conflict, we will pursue the internationally recognized course for respecting human rights to the maximum extent possible.



This Policy applies to all Group executives and all employees (including permanent, full-time employees, contracted employees, seconded employees, part-time and temporary employees, and employees dispatched from placement agencies). We will encourage and expect all business partners including suppliers as well as customers to understand this Policy and to respect human rights.


Human Rights Governance Structure

Chaired by the President (Representative Director), the Sustainability Committee formulates human rights action policies and maintains and reviews promotional structures. Important matters are reported to and overseen by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.


Human Rights Due Diligence

We will develop and continually implement a system of human rights due diligence that complies with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


Corrective Action

Should it become clear that the Group’s business activities have caused or amplified any negative impacts on human rights, we will take swift and proper proceedings to remedy such adverse impacts.


Stakeholder Dialogue and Consultations

We engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders on responses to actual or potential negative impacts and strive to prevent and mitigate human rights violation risk.



We will properly disclose information on matters such as the progress and results of our efforts with regards to human rights through the Integrated Report and our website.


Promoting Awareness of and Providing Training on the Human Rights Policy

We will implement appropriate training and education to ensure understanding and dissemination of this Policy and to promote human rights among all Group executives and employees (including permanent, full-time employees, contracted employees, seconded employees, part-time and temporary employees, and employees dispatched from placement agencies).

Date established: September 12, 2023

Jun Kawasaki
President, Representative Director
Tsukishima Holdings Co., Ltd.