Dividend Information

Dividend Information

Basic Dividend Policy

Tsukishima Holdings strives to strengthen its financial constitution and management foundations. Its basic dividend policy is to maintain stable dividends while giving due consideration to matters such as trends in business results for each fiscal year, new investment, and the consolidated payout ratio.
About policy on returns to shareholders, we aimed for total payout ratios of 50% or more and payout ratios of 40% or more. Furthermore, the target dividend return ratio for FY2024 will be expanded to 50% or more by further expansion of cross-shareholdings reduction and revising the timing of capital investments under consideration. These are part of Company efforts for stable returns, continuous increased dividends and flexible share repurchases.

Transition of dividends

Dividends per share (¥)

Note: The dividend amount in the fiscal year ended March 2023 includes 5 in commemorative dividends.

As of 5 10, 2024
  Dividends per share
Interim Year-end Full-year
The 163th period
(ended March 2025)
The 162th period
(ended March 2024)
¥21 ¥21 ¥42
The 161th period
(ended March 2023)
(Includes ¥5 in
commemorative dividends)
The 160th period
(ended March 2022)
¥12 ¥18 ¥30
The 159th period
(ended March 2021)
¥12 ¥12 ¥24
The 158th period
(ended March 2020)
¥11 ¥13 ¥24
The 157th period
(ended March 2019)
¥8 ¥14 ¥22
The 156th period
(ended March 2018)
¥8 ¥9 ¥17
The 155th period
(ended March 2017)
¥8 ¥9 ¥17
The 154th period
(ended March 2016)
(Includes ¥5 in
commemorative dividends)
¥9 ¥22
The 153th period
(ended March 2015)
¥8 ¥9 ¥17
The 152th period
(ended March 2014)
¥7 ¥10 ¥17

Treasury Stock

Stock Repurchase

Repurchase period Number of shares (Shares) Total amount (billion yen)
May 15, 2023 〜 March 22, 2024 622,300 799
May 14, 2019 〜 May 13, 2020 700,000 844
May 28, 2009 1,000,000 512

Excludes acquisitions under Article 155 (vii) of the Companies Act (purchase of shares in less than one unit).