Exclusions and Exemptions
This site provides information on matters such as the financial status and management of Tsukishima Holdings Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Tsukishima Holdings Group) to deepen shareholder and investor understanding. Such information does not constitute an inducement to buy or sell shares in the Company.
No assertion or warranty is made regarding the content of this site.
The decision to invest in shares should be made by each individual investor after first viewing the financial materials issued by the Tsukishima Holdings Group and other appropriate information.
Forecasts of figures, forward-looking statements and descriptions regarding the Tsukishima Holdings Group on this site are based on Company judgements and assumptions made in light of information available at that time.
Actual results may differ due to the uncertainties inherent in the underlying judgements and assumptions and changes in business operations and domestic and international business environments.
Accordingly, the Tsukishima Holdings Group provides no warranties regarding the accuracy of forward-looking statements on this site.
All possible care is taken with respect to the information presented on this site. Nevertheless, the Tsukishima Holdings Group accepts no liability whatsoever, regardless of circumstances, for errors or omissions in information or other errors or defects associated with data tampering by unauthorized third parties or difficulties in downloading data, etc.